CATI Webinar April 4, 2020 – Speaker Slides

Thank you for attending the CATI Webinar on April 4th, 2020.

Some of the speakers have provided the slides from their presentation. These slides are for your use only. You need to request permission from the speaker to share these slides with others. If you quote one of the speakers in any way please be sure to give them credit.

This link is only valid through May 15th, 2020. At that point the link will close. 


LatinX: A 21st Century Enigma – Hernán A. Silva-Zetina and Matthew T. Benson

Hernán:     Matthew:

Latinx Presentation UN Slides


Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Patient Counseling and Spiritual Care: To Recuse Myself or Not to Recuse Myself, that is the Question – Dr. Indira Sultanić



Interpreting Child Sexual Abuse – Jeannette Houchens

Interpreting Child Sexual Abuse


Panel on Managing Translation Projects Successfully – Dr. Mónica Rodriguez-Castro and Delfina Erochenko

Rodriguez presentation one in panel