Welcome to the My CATI Blog! CATI has been publishing a newsletter for over 30 years. It has been written, typed, printed, and published in many ways, on a variety of media, and at varying intervals. In 2017, we continue this tradition as the newsletter morphs from the CATI Quarterly – published in PDF format and distributed electronically in recent years – into a new online format, called My CATI Blog.
By switching from a traditional newsletter to a blog, we hope to provide more interactive opportunities for CATI members, since every post will be open to comments, discussion, and feedback. In addition, with a blog, our contributors will be able to produce a wider range of content, including videos and live links. The new format will also enable people to publish information at any time, continuously, rather than just four times a year, as in our current quarterly arrangement. And once a post has been made to a blog, the information will remain online and available for future CATI members to reference at any time. As with our current newsletter, My CATI Blog will be edited and moderated by our Organizational Communications Manager, Kristy Stevenson. If you have specific ideas or questions, be sure to contact her.
CATI has been migrating into the digital age over the past ten years. In addition to our website, the association is on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, plus we have a student blog. These platforms are complementary and serve a variety of purposes. The website is home to our database, member search, and membership center. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter provide avenues to keep our membership informed of events and news. While the student blog and My CATI Blog are both longer-form outlets, where contributors can discuss our profession in more detail.
In short, we think that My CATI Blog will benefit members now and in the future with the information and discussion forum available to them. All CATI members will be automatically registered. Plus, you can check back at any time to catch up on anything that you may have missed.
And, of course, feel free to comment below on this post, and let us know your thoughts.
Best wishes for 2017!
-The CATI Board of Directors