
ARTICLE I: Name and General Structure

The name of this nonprofit organization is Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters (CATI), a 501(a) membership corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina. The association represents members in North Carolina, South Carolina, and beyond, and is a chapter of the American Translators Association (ATA). Local groups may also be formed within CATI.

ARTICLE II: Purposes

CATI has the following purposes:

1. To promote translating and interpreting as professional services.

2. To defend and support the interests and concerns of professional translators and interpreters.

3. To encourage high-quality service and ethical business practices.

4. To disseminate information to the public about translating and interpreting.

5. To facilitate mutual assistance among translators and interpreters and to provide a medium for collaboration with persons in allied professions.

6. To offer continuing education opportunities for translators and interpreters.

7. To encourage students and others to consider a career in translating and interpreting.

ARTICLE III: Membership

1. Any person who agrees to abide by these Bylaws and the published policies of the association may become a member of CATI, upon payment of dues for the current year.

2. The Board of Directors establishes the annual dues. Dues concessions may be granted in certain instances:

a) A student dues concession may be claimed for a maximum of four years. A student is defined as a person enrolled in a bona fide degree program, pursuant to the requirements of the respective institution of learning.

b) Other concessions may be granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors

3. The term of membership coincides with the calendar year(s) for which dues are paid. Membership terminates automatically when dues are not received by the last day of February. Reinstatement may occur upon reapplication and payment of dues. A discount may be given for memberships commencing after July 1st.

4. Membership may be terminated by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors on any of the following grounds: conduct deemed in conflict with CATI’s stated purposes; violation of the ATA Code of Ethics and Professional Practice; misrepresentation of qualifications or credentials; or misconduct. Such action may not be taken until the member has had an opportunity to present a defense to the Board. A member dismissed under these circumstances may be reinstated upon approval by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE IV: Administration

1. CATI’s property, affairs, business, and concerns are vested in a Board of Directors consisting of four officers: a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer; and four (4) Directors at Large. Only CATI members in good standing are eligible to serve on the Board, and the President and Vice President must be active members of ATA.

2. The Board of Directors shall always have at least one member from North Carolina and one from South Carolina.

3. The Board of Directors determines policy and devises and executes such measures as it deems necessary or desirable on behalf of CATI or in furtherance of CATI's purposes.

4. The Executive Committee, composed of the four Officers, is responsible for the routine business of the association’s operations.

The Officers’ duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) The President, either directly or by delegation:

– apprises the membership of CATI activities.

– establishes the agenda for each meeting.

– presides at general meetings.

– chairs the Executive Committee.

– chairs the Board of Directors.

– appoints committee chairs.

– serves as liaison with ATA or appoints a liaison.

– submits an annual report to ATA.

– manages the association’s administrative personnel.

– oversees the association’s daily affairs, including records, contractors, the website, etc.

– ensures that CATI maintains its nonprofit status.

– reports election results.

b) The Vice President

– assists the President in fulfilling the duties of that office.

– presides at meetings in the President's absence.

– oversees the association’s operating procedures.

– coordinates the annual conference, or appoints a conference chair to do so.

c) The Secretary

– records and reports the minutes of all meetings.

– prepares ballots as required, or works with a designated person to do so.

– prepares correspondence for CATI, except as delegated to a committee or another individual.

– manages the association’s documents/records online

d) The Treasurer

– receives and disburses all monies for CATI.

– maintains financial records.

– ensures that the membership roster remains up to date.

– maintains accounts for CATI in authorized banks and other institutions as directed or approved by the Board.

– presents an annual financial report to the membership and interim reports at Board meetings at the President’s request.

– prepares a budget proposal annually for approval by the Board.

5. Officers are elected for a two-year term. Directors at Large serve overlapping two-year terms with two directorships falling vacant each year. The term begins January 1st following the election and ends December 31st of the following year. The number of consecutive terms in the same position is limited to three for any individual.

6. Election is by electronic or closed written ballot. An Election Committee presents a slate of candidates to the membership at least thirty (30) days before ballots are mailed. Nominations from the membership at large are also accepted. Ballots are mailed to all members at least twenty (20) days, but no more than fifty (50) days, before the deadline for their return. Ballots are mailed to a nonmember of the Board, who will tally the votes and report the results to the President. The candidate for each position receiving the largest number of votes cast is elected. The President reports the results of the election first to the Board, then to the membership.

7. Vacancies on the Board occurring mid-term are filled through appointment by the President with the Board’s approval. The appointee holds office until the next regular election, at which time a member is elected to serve the remainder of any unexpired term.

8. CATI’s fiscal year coincides with the calendar year.

9. The Board of Directors may select and contract the services of an independent contractor to manage the association’s daily affairs, which may include maintenance of its website, editing of its publications, etc., at the Board’s discretion.

ARTICLE V: Meetings and Quorums

1. A general meeting of the membership is held at least once a year. Every member is notified of the general meeting at least twenty (20) days in advance.

2. The Board of Directors meets in person at least once a year for the transaction of business. It also meets either in person or online whenever called by the President, or at the written request of any three (3) of its members. Resolutions may be adopted by standard mail, electronic mail, telephone, or videoconferencing between meetings, provided no member of the Board opposes this procedure.

3. A simple majority of the members of the Board of Directors constitutes a quorum. A quorum at a meeting of the Executive Committee is three (3) officers.

4. For any matter or action requiring a vote, a simple majority of those voting is required for adoption, except as otherwise stated in these Bylaws.

ARTICLE VI: Committees

Standing and ad hoc committees are established as needed for CATI’s operations. Representatives of each committee report on current activities to the Board of Directors and/or the membership, as appropriate.

ARTICLE VII: Publications

CATI may issue and maintain online publications, such as a membership directory and a newsletter, as well as a website, in fulfillment of its stated purposes.

ARTICLE VIII: Local Groups

CATI encourages the formation of local groups within the association, and across both states, to facilitate the exchange of information and to support and promote the association at the local level. Local social events may be organized by any member. Funding may be provided for these events, at the Board of Directors’ discretion.

ARTICLE IX: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or any special rules of order the organization may adopt.

ARTICLE X: Compensation and Dissolution

No part of the association’s net earnings shall inure to the benefit of its members, Directors, Officers, or other persons. However, the association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its tax-exempt purposes.

In the event of dissolution, the association’s residual assets will be turned over to the American Translators Association or one or more other organizations with similar purposes.

ARTICLE XI: Amending the Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended by a vote of the membership in a closed written ballot. An amendment may be proposed in writing by any member. It is presented to the membership for a vote with the recommendations of the Board of Directors. The texts of proposed amendments and ballots are sent to all members at least twenty (20) days, and no more than fifty (50) days, before the deadline for their return. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of those voting is required for adoption.